三姉妹物語 巨乳お姉さんのいるとこやさん
ここは広尾の一等地。そびえ立つビルの谷間に、昔ながらの床屋さんが営業中。 そこをきりもりしているのが、美人美巨乳三姉妹。オッパイのでかさも器量の良さも天下一品なのに、経営はあまり芳しくなく・・・。そんな中、長女ふう香の恋人が「君のオッパイに会いたくて日本に帰って来たんだよ」と、突然帰国!早速パイズリおねだりされ、上目遣いにズリュズリュ!コワモテ男の来店に、ビビリながらもお色気で対抗する三姉妹。「よせ!何するんだ〜!?」「そんなコト言っても、こっちは全然違うみたいよ」キスで唇を舐め、首筋、乳首とレロレロ舐める次女 麻美。下半身には三 / 三姉妹物語 巨乳お姉さんのいるとこやさん
Three Sisters Story Big Tits Sister is there
This is a prime location in Hiroo.An old -fashioned barber is open in the valley of a towering building.The three sisters are beautiful and beautiful busty.Although the tits and the goodness of the skills are the best in the world, the management is not very good.Meanwhile, the lover of the eldest daughter, Fuka, suddenly returns to Japan, saying, “I came back to Japan because I wanted to see your tits!"Immediately paizuri, Zuruzuru for the upper look!Three sisters who are chattered by Kowamote’s man who are chattering but sex appeal."Yose! What are you doing!?" “Even if you say that, this seems to be completely different."In the lower body, there is a three / three sister story busty sister.