
美人なお姉さんは・・好きですか?編 禁断の逆さ撮りシーズン5 vol.21



ジャンル: 就活女子 芋娘 アイドル風 ミニスカート 純白 女子大生 生足 カメラ目線


結果はやはりセーフ!!! 薄いピンクかパープルですかね・・ マスクなしの美人は久々に見かけるから感動です(涙)
ガンガン突進!! 他の客が近くにいようが店員がいようが真後ろについての直下撮り。
途中でカゴの中に商品の鏡を入れて真後ろから撮影したらPが映るかと思ったんですが鏡にビニールがついてるからあまり意味なかったです(>o<) もちろんスマホ撮りも2回成功していて良き良き(^_^) 店員さんの横で鞄のカメラで撮ってるのに全く怪しまれないのが不思議でしたww 最後はレジでのお会計を撮影してバイバイとなりました。 やっぱり美人さんは顔だけじゃなく中身も美人さんでしたw 音声あり 1人分 1.63GB 11:48 Pのどアップあり 直下撮り多数 容量11分超え 4K姿多数 4K靴カメなし スマホ撮りあり スマホ撮影現場あり *黒いネコに似た文面とタイトルの販売者さんがいますが当方とは一切関係ないです。 ※メディアプレーヤーで再生出来ない時はGOMプレーヤーで再生して下さい。 ※商品の性質上、早期の販売終了もあります。 ※本作品の無断転載を厳しくお断りいたします。 ※引用動画の著作権は販売者様に帰属します

Do you like a beautiful older sister?

Hello.It is a black cat.
I was worried about JD or OL this time (..;)
I’m a calm woman who feels like I can take it, but it was just a beautiful older sister (^_^)

This time, I ran without confirming that I was sweeping bread.If you show me such a beautiful woman, it’s okay to just see the contents! WW
The result is still safe !!! Is it a thin pink or purple?
At first, keep a distance and wait.Confirm that the back is OK.If all are OK, the assault will start (^_^)
When I approached a little, I was seen, but if I was worried about that, I would miss a beautiful woman (;
Gangan rush! Take a picture directly behind the other customers, whether there is a clerk nearby or the clerk.
Sometimes I was stuck, so I shouldn’t miss a chance at that time (^_^)
I got up here (^o^)/
I thought that if I put a mirror of the product in the basket on the basket and photographed it from behind, it was not meaningful because the mirror was on vinyl (> O <). Of course, it's good to take smartphone shooting twice (^_^) It was strange that I wasn't suspicious at all even though I was shooting with a bag camera next to the clerk. At the end, I took a picture of the cash register and became a bye bye. After all, the beauty was not only the face but also the contents w There is audio One person 1.63GB 11:48 There is P throat up Many shooting directly below Capacity exceeds 11 minutes Many 4K forms 4K shoe turtle There is a smartphone shoot There is a smartphone shooting site *There is a seller with a text and a title similar to a black cat, but it has nothing to do with me. * If you cannot play with the media player, please play with the GOM player. * Due to the nature of the product, there is also an early sale end. * Unauthorized reproduction of this work is strictly refused.
